McMaster - Medical Centre Redevelopment
Located on the McMaster campus, the Medical Centre underwent major redevelopment from the original 1970’s design.Key developments include expanding the ambulance and parking bay, a new Endoscopy Procedure Room, and upgrading an operating room to a Cath Suite designed for children.
The parking bay increased the capacity to a 3 bay with adjacent parking spaces. This required the hospitals deck to overhang the parking garage. Mantecon Partners used carbon fiber to reinforce the post tension garage which carries the ambulance bay addition. Rollers were used to allow controlled movement of the garage separate from the fixed deck that is attached to the hospital.
The Endoscopy Room involved ventilation with Hepa filtration, laminar flow diffusers and low level exhaust grilles. New electrical design utilized emergency power for procedure equipment, dimmable LEDs, and support for high definition camera systems.
Installing new technology, including venting and filtrating systems, zoom and surgical lighting, were part of the Cath Suite’s upgrade. Along with these the walls, floors and ceiling were all replaced.
The centre was able to upgrade to a high-tech hospital specializing in children and women. This was thanks to Mantecon Partners extensive designs and careful phasing which was critical to ensure uninterrupted hospital services.