Civic Square and Elgin Promenade Park

The renewal of the Civic Square was meant to contribute to a healthier, more vibrant downtown core.
The design intent was to bring people together and create public spaces that are welcoming to community members of all abilities and backgrounds. There was a focus on accessibility, walkability, visual interest, safety and security. The Civic Square also aimed to create community identity by developing a site that brings together arts and culture through festivals (such as annual “Sound of Music”) and events (such as annual “Santa Claus Run”). Civic Square was to be the site of ceremonies including flag raisings. The City of Burlington’s mandate for the project was to bring “civic” into the design by collecting input from local businesses, and the community to implement into the design. The civil scope included re-grading and re-design of drainage systems considering stormwater management. Subsurface drainage of paved areas, landscape beds and soil cell trees were introduced. Grading of new sidewalks along Brant St including concrete paving, unit pavers and street trees was added. The existing fire hydrant on Brant st was relocated. The electrical scope involved design of new accent lighting, canopy lighting, outdoor pathway lighting and new electrical connections for temporary power for outdoor concerts and events.